A Fabulous Five years
December 2014

EmployabilityUK receives registered charity status from the Charities Commission on 23rd December 2014. Our Mission: ‘To facilitate employer engagement to enhance the aspirations, opportunities and career prospects of enthusiastic and committed young people’ moves forward at a pace.
March 2015

Successful pilot with 60 young people that shaped our mentoring programme and lead to working with over 200 young people at South Wolverhampton and Bilston Academy. The mentoring programme was further extended with other partners.
September 2015

Our Employability Skills Programme is launched in partnership with Coventry Building Society. The programme commenced with 6 schools on a pilot and has grown and developed to 11 schools each year across Coventry. More than 1000 young people have benefitted from this prestigious programme.
September 2016

Continuous Personal Development (CPD) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) impact is created. This is achieved via the ‘Team Leader’ role as the Coventry Building Society Employability Skills Programme is extended further.
June 2017

We extended our reach to include young people that are unemployed and furthest from the Labour Market including low education attainment, NEETs and care leavers. This personalised support means young people are more likely to succeed and secure employment.
October 2017

Our first publication: The A-Z of Super Confidence, designed to help young people take the advantage and stand out from the crowd. The book contains 26 tips for young people on how to boost confidence and self-belief. Written by a top professional trainer, Alan Matthews, the A-Z provides advice on how to make the most of your skills and achieve your ambitions.
March 2018

An Employability Skills Programme launched in conjunction with Warwickshire County Council, working with over 100 young people across Warwickshire. Here, we worked with 4 schools, 2 in the North and 2 in the South of the region to explore the effect of the same programme being delivered to young people from a completely different demographic.
June 2018

Surpassed our target of 500 registered Volunteers. Our amazing Volunteers are the lynchpin of our Charity. They help deliver positive outcomes and assist young people to build on their foundations to successful employment.
July 2018

On the 3rd July 2018, Coventry Building Society won the Responsible Business Education Partnerships Award for our Employability Skills Programme. A fitting testament to our unique approach to employability skills training for young people.
December 2018

Funding Award. In December 2018 we achieved a long-held ambition to take our special Employability Skills Programme into Birmingham. We secured National Lottery Funding to enable us to work in the Birmingham area, and Inspiring Young Birmingham was born.
February 2019

A new programme in readiness for the volunteering and employment opportunities that the 2022 Commonwealth Games will bring to Birmingham. We delivered a hugely successful pilot of Inspiring Young Birmingham to almost 200 young people. The excellent feedback was testament to our effective model.
July 2019

In July 2019 we extended our reach into the East Midlands by launching our ‘Inspiring Light’ programme to schools in Leicestershire. Inspiring Light is our first venture to working with, and supporting young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) with the programme extending to mentoring in 2020.
Our prestigious launch of ‘Inspiring Young Birmingham’ at Birmingham City University was attended by the Lord Mayor of Birmingham. The programme will support 1500 young people to be ‘Games Ready’ in preparation for thousands of volunteering opportunities at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham. The line-up of speakers at the launch is a ‘who’s who’ of Birmingham based business, educational excellence and civic pride.
Showcase video launched. ‘Search for the Hero’. This powerful illustration of the journey young people can make and be proud of, with the support from EUK is a culmination of our work to date. We are majorly proud of this creative representation as it perfectly conveys our essence, ethos and effectiveness.
November 2019

Guidance for young people published in collaboration with ACAS. This is an essential piece to prepare young people for the world of work and better understand workplace etiquette. Presented in an easy to understand format, we are proud of our first association with a government department. This is the first of our features where we will bring thought-provoking articles in collaboration with leading departments, employers and opinion leaders.
December 2019

Awarded £20k funding from National Express Foundation which will be used to widen participation for the ‘Inspiring Young Birmingham’ (IYB) programme. This enables us to work with young people who may not feel that there is an opportunity for them to join in.
23rd December 2019
EmployabilityUK celebrates our 5th Anniversary. It is with special thanks to all our staff team, volunteers, supporters, trustees and partners that our first 5 years have been such a success. As we go from strength to strength, here is to the next five years.
February 2020

We commenced collaboration with Active Communities to blend the impressive ambitions of this initiative with raising the confidence, aspirations and employability skill levels of young people in Birmingham. EmployabilityUK is delivering bespoke workshops enhanced by one to one mentoring for young people aged 16 – 25.
“We find the seed of potential in every young person and help to make it grow”