EmployabilityUK at IEP Summit 2024

The IEP Summit 2024, themed “Building Tomorrow’s Employability Support,” is a pivotal event in the employability sector. Held on June 20, 2024, at the prestigious RSA House in London, the summit gathered professionals to discuss future strategies and innovations in employability support, and EmployabilityUK was delighted to be in attendance.

We were delighted to contribute to the ongoing discussion around improving outcomes for young people, with our Chief Executive, Diane Vernon, among the panellists at this year’s summit. She discussed her vision for a new pathway for all young people, regardless of ability, which should be properly integrated into their education.

Key events included keynote speeches, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. Notable speakers such as Torsten Bell, Sally Bond, and Stuart Duffey brought diverse perspectives on how to address the evolving needs in the employability landscape. The summit also featured sessions on neurodiversity and the integration of AI in employability practices.

“It was a privilege to share my vision with such an esteemed audience and I’m delighted that my ideas seem to have resonated with many influencers in the employability space.”

Diane Vernon, Chief Executive, EmployabilityUK

The event’s format emphasized collaboration and idea-sharing, fostering a dynamic environment for professionals to exchange best practices and insights. Networking lunches and a reception provided further opportunities for attendees to connect and build relationships within the industry.

At EmployabilityUK, we work to ensure that every young person has the opportunity to fulfil their potential, regardless of their background or circumstances. This means working with Powerful Partners across commerce, education and more to deliver tangible outcomes.

If you’d like to get involved with our work in any capacity, please get in touch.
