Celebrating Our Virtual Workshops

Carl Hobbis Speaks on the A-Z of Super Confidence
Carl Hobbis Speaks on the A-Z of Super Confidence

As our first round of virtual workshops draws to a close, EmployabilityUK would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved.

Faced with the task of realigning delivery during the lockdown and the pandemic, we worked with multiple partners to transfer the face-to-face learning model for which the charity is renowned onto an online delivery platform.

Our core skill delivery was converted into a rolling schedule of four workshops, spanning such topics as The A-Z of Super Confidence, Vision Boards and Being Your Best You.

With the generous assistance of multiple volunteers, we created and delivered a unique virtual programme that, while different to our traditional business model, continued to fill the genuine skills gap facing many young people in the UK.

Our incredible volunteers have taken on various critical roles throughout programme delivery, including speaking on core subjects, hosting breakout rooms and providing mentoring opportunities to attendees.

While officially a pilot, we quickly developed our online delivery into something of which we as a charity are immensely proud. While the early workshops clearly involved an element of learning through experience, we quickly and successfully transferred the core learning model to a live, interactive platform enjoyed by dozens of students around the West Midlands and further afield.

What started life as a tentative idea to turn adversity into opportunity quickly evolved into professional online delivery meeting all the benchmarks and quality guidelines for which our offline workshops are renowned. Now, regardless of COVID-related developments, we consider interactive online learning as a core component of our bespoke programme delivery options.

Content creation continues at pace, with all attendees who completed our online virtual workshops receiving full, free access to the 360Extranet platform, which regularly adds more extensive resources. While the current workshop schedule draws to a close, we intend to seek out new delivery partners and continue to increase the scope and availability of our online programmes as we continue to deliver world-class interactive employability skills workshops later in the year.
